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City Of Babbitt, MN

Rich in History, Progressive in Thinking, A great Place to Live & Work!

Babbitt, Minnesota

Notice to residents: MN STAT. 160.2715 prohibits plowing snow across roadways. It is illegal to deposit snow or ice on a public roadway as it is hazardous and can cause accidents and/or damage to vehicles and plows.

Please do not shovel or plow snow across or into the roadways.

REMINDER: Calendar parking is in effect November 1st until May 1st. To accommodate plowing and winter weather, parking is not permitted on the side of the roads from 2:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. Any violators will be ticketed.

Current Committee/Commission Openings:
- Planning Commission (x1) 1-year term
- West Babbitt Development Committee (x2) 2-year terms
- Economic Development Steering Committee (x2) 3-year terms

Employment Opportunity:
Street Department Casual Laborers beginning at $15.00 per hour. Applications available at City Hall or under "Employment." Applications can be turned into city hall directly or emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

February 18 at 5:00 p.m. Council Study Session (Council Chambers)
February 18 at 5:30 p.m. Council Meeting (Council Chambers
** EDA Meeting to follow immediately after **

City Billed Services

The City of Babbitt bills monthly $105.00 for Public Utilities (water/sewer) services at each household. Every July, this rate has an additional $10.50 added for the state water testing fee.

The City of Babbitt requires every household to use City contracted garbage services, billed $69.00 quarterly. Garbage pickups are weekly on every Monday. If a holiday falls on a Monday (New Years, Memorail Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, or Christmas), garbage services will be provided the following Tuesday. Garbage cans must be placed at the end of driveways by 7:00 a.m. on pickup days. Each household is allowed a maximum of two, 92-gallon gabage cans that MUST have a lid tethered to them.