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City Of Babbitt

Facilities & Property

Facility Rentals

  • Beach Pavilions ($25/day)
  • Commercial Kitchen + Senior Center ($50/day)
  • Council Chambers ($25/day)
  • Gym ($100/day or $20/hour)
  • Tables $25/day (set of 5)
  • Chairs $15/day (set of 30)

Contact the City Hall Office to make a reservation. Forms available through the link below.

City Facility Rental Forms

Argo Cemetery

The Argo Cemetery of Babitt, Minnesota is located at 3345 CR-21. Contact the City Hall Office for burials and purchasing of spaces. 

See attached documents for more cemetery information:

Fitness Center

The City of Babbitt owns a fitness Center located in the Babbitt Municipal Center. Memberships are $15/month for unlimited access, whenever desired! Stop into City Hall to sign up or take a look!